Become the Best Version of Yourself

When Life Gets Difficult and You Realize You Need Help

Therapy in North Palm Beach, FL


Is the weight of life crushing you?

Feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, depressed – and scared.

If you are experiencing any feelings of trepidation and fear, you are not alone. Many people explain that picking up the phone to make the initial phone call is the hardest part. Fear often paralyzes us when we need to act.

Today is the day to look fear in the eye and let it know that it is not going to win today.

Something that was perceived as ‘small’ became a mountain.

Billy had a life-changing experience as a teenager. He went to the pediatrician’s office dreading his vaccinations. The worry and anxiety hovered over him for days leading up to the appointment.

When the nurse came into the room with the syringe, needle, and the vaccination, Billy began to panic. This means that he felt like he could not breath; his heart was beating out of his chest; he was shaking, sweating, crying, etc.

The nurse and Billy’s mother held him down while the shots were administered. Billy screamed and cried in pain. Once, they released him, he ran out of the office, then out of the building into an open field where he sobbed.

Billy was 15 when that happened. He is now 30 and has not let anybody with a needle near him since. He had never had bloodwork done to gauge his health. Never in the next 15 years on this planet. He would not allow it. He was too scared.

It was not simply needles that struck fear in Billy’s heart. Everything began to change.

The anxiety and worry began to spill over into other arenas of his life. Now he worried all the time… about everything. He felt helpless and hopeless because he could not control the anxiety and worry.

Billy began to withdraw and isolate from friends and family. They became frustrated because he became so distant, and they felt like they could not help him. This began to affect Billy in a negative way. He began to feel ashamed of himself… He even hated himself at times.

Moreover, he felt TRAPPED!

A Life-Altering Moment – Mustering up the courage to call

Billy called me, an expert in the area in which he was struggling. He was scared, but willing to do whatever it took to overcome this fear. He was worried about his health, but he felt trapped. Big problems, but no solutions.

Billy had been to other therapists before, but he stated none of them understood him and that he felt they were not treating him… the individual.

At Billy’s pace, we slowly made progress. He was scared, but, boy, was he brave. Session after session. Little by little we progressed. I am happy and honored that he invited me to be his guide on this journey.

Billy has now had his blood drawn twice. The first time I was there with him. It was difficult, but we did it. The second time he went on his own and did it with ease.

Something brought you here… to this site… at this time… TODAY.

No issue is too big. No issue is too small. No issue is too difficult. No issue is too trivial. I will meet you where you are. Wherever that this.


Eric Kiner, Psy.D.

My Philosophy & Approach

Priority #1 is your comfort. Experience and knowledge are worthless in therapy if there is not a trusting connection between the therapist and the patient. I am a natural when it comes to developing and nurturing this connection. As a Licensed Psychologist, my training, experience, and insights lay the foundation for this connection to manifest.

I believe that most issues are rooted in your experiences, your thinking patterns, and behavioral patterns. I make it a priority to identify which of these things are playing a role in your current struggles.

What I Offer

Now is not the time to hesitate. Take the first step of your journey.

Call, email, or complete the contact form below. Find out how therapy at Kiner
Psychology can help you… TODAY.